Surgery and More

Surgery and More

Hey there,

I usually don't get too personal on my blog, but I wanted to open up about why I decided to delay the grand opening of my business until February. In December, I had surgery to remove fibroids from my uterus. These pesky things, one of which was a whopping 10 cm in size, along with several others of considerable size and many smaller ones, had been causing me a lot of trouble in my daily life. If you're familiar with fibroids, you know they can put pressure on nearby organs, leading to hormonal imbalances, frequent bathroom trips, acid reflux, and digestive issues. For years, I struggled with managing my weight and tried all sorts of diets and workouts with no luck. Little did I know, these annoying fibroids were the root cause of my struggles.

The surgery went well, and now I'm looking forward to feeling more balanced in my body. Right now, I'm at home, focusing on healing and hoping to get back to normal life by February.

The past year has been tough, with physical limitations making even simple movements a challenge. Exercise became a distant memory, and even bending or twisting caused me a lot of pain. My belly looked like a beach ball, and dealing with constant acid reflux led to nasty sinus problems that made me feel constantly uncomfortable. Fatigue became my constant companion, making everyday tasks a struggle. The decision to have surgery wasn't easy, but I don't regret it one bit.

To all the women out there dealing with fibroids or similar issues, I want you to know that you're not alone. I consider myself lucky to have found a doctor who listened to me and got me the help I needed quickly, which was a big change from the dismissive responses I'd gotten from other doctors in the past. If you're facing similar dismissals, please don't give up—seek out second opinions. Fibroids might be mostly harmless, but they can have a huge impact on your quality of life, and you shouldn't have to suffer through them alone. I also recommend checking out online support communities where you can connect with others who understand what you're going through.

As we welcome the New Year, I'm sending out heartfelt wishes for renewed hope to everyone. Thank you all for your support and understanding. Love and peace!

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