Fear Based Healing Vs Healthy Healing

Fear Based Healing Vs Healthy Healing

Fear-based healing is when practitioners use scary beliefs to convince people to pay for their services. They make you feel like you have no other choice but to use their services, even if it costs a lot of money. They might offer a free first meeting, but then they pressure you into spending a bunch of money on future sessions.

When you're looking for healers like reiki masters, magnetists, lithotherapists, chromatherapists, psychics, tarot readers, or diviners, it's important to find ones who follow a set of rules. These are some things good healers do:

  • They give out free advice or share helpful articles online to show they care about helping people, not just making money.
  • They charge fair prices and don't try to take advantage of people who are vulnerable.
  • They protect your energy during and after sessions.
  • They teach you how to protect your own energy so you can take care of yourself.
  • They keep their workspace clean and clear of bad energy.
  • They cut energetic ties with you after each session to respect your boundaries.
  • They keep your information private and don't talk about your sessions with other people.
  • They ask for your permission before touching you during sessions and make sure you're comfortable.
  • They don't try to diagnose or treat medical problems they're not qualified for.
  • They don't use drugs or alcohol during sessions.
  • They ask about any health issues you have and make sure you're comfortable during sessions.
  • Some healers also do free classes, volunteer during disasters, or offer free sessions to people in need.

It's also important for healers to have the right certifications, licenses, and insurance for their work. If you're not sure about a healer's rules, you can ask them or trust your gut feeling.

In short, when healers follow these rules, it helps people feel safe and supported on their healing journey.

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